every little thing gonna be all right

Spice up your event!


On location print

6×4 instantly printed pictures on location


Graphic design

Custom templates, logos and texts

with us

Backgrounds and props

Funny props and custom background

We have lots of different props, and keep getting more and more. We almost to the point that we need a storage locker just for them. If you have a special occasion or any kind of them on your party or wedding, please let us know. Me might just have exactly what you need.

Friendly staff

No robots!

Photographer captures all images

Quality fast prints

99,- € per hour

Hourly rate booth

unlimited number of 6×4 prints
photographer and staff included
2 studio monolights setup
white paper background
funny props

250,- €

Bunch of pictures

200 pcs 6×4 prints
photographer and stuff included
2 studio monolights setup
white paper background
funny props

350,- €

All night party (4 h.)

unlimited number of 6×4 prints
photographer and staff included
2 lights setup
white paper background
funny props

2,50 €

Price per piece

unlimited number of 6×4 prints
photographer and staff included
2 studio monolights setup
white paper background
funny props
4 hours limitation

Transport fees are not included